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Finance Lease – Tanning Salon Equipment

The Situation

“Asset Advantage were the only funder who would offer a 5-year deal for new-start businesses”

Thank you to Dan Moremon from PMD Business Finance for working with us on this deal.

This deal represents the third deal in 15 months that Asset Advantage and PMD have done for this new-start beauty salon. Due to further increase in demand, they are looking to introduce another sunbed to reduce wait times for their customers.

The Funding Solution

£30,000 Finance Lease over 5 years for MegaSun P9S HybridSun sunbed.

Why Asset Advantage?

Dan Moremon said: “This customer originally came to me via the supplier, and I knew Asset Advantage were the best option for this customer, so I came straight to them. Asset Advantage are the only funder I know who would offer a 5-year deal for new-start businesses. I appreciate the experience of Vickey and Philip, and the fact that Asset Advantage always look at ways to do a deal.”

Insight from Vickey Want, Assistant Director of Credit: Why I approved this new-start deal.

“This new start business had very young directors, however, one had already demonstrated significant marketing expertise, which would be brought to encourage customers to the new salon. The directors were being backed by their parents, and most importantly, despite being young and relatively inexperienced, they had produced a great business plan which inspired confidence. Now, over a year on, we have funded 3 assets for this business, and the business itself is doing very well.”

Key Facts

Finance Type
Finance Lease

Amount Financed



“Asset Advantage were the only funder who would offer a 5-year deal for new-start businesses”


5 Years
Finance Lease – Tanning Salon Equipment

If you are looking for funding for your client, contact Katie Dowse today:

Katie Dowse